Youtube / Internet jokes

De prin comentarii:

I was going to tell u a joke of the bass, but I droped it…

I was going to make a joke about butter, but I didn’t want people to spread it

I was gonna say a slut joke, but it sucked to much

I was gonna tell you a joke about a blind guy, but you wouldn’t see the point

I was gonna tell you a joke about child abuse, but I’m afraid some one beat me to it

I was gonna tell a joke about they economy… but it sucks

I was going to tell a penis joke, but its to long

I was gonna make a fighting joke, but i forgot the punch line

I was gonna tell you a pizza joke, but it was too cheesey

It’s a FedEx joke, you won’t get it till tomorrow

Jokes about 911 are just plane wrong

I was gonna tell a joke about mexicans, but that’s just crossing the border

I was going to make a joke about eunuchs, but I didn’t have the balls to.

Niște muxică

Melodii mai noi (sau noi descoperite de mine):

1. Djs From Mars revine un mash-up ca pe vremuri (când scoteau promo-uri lunar, și erau mai tot timpul în studiou, nu prin turnee)


2. Grasu XXL cu Mitză (Agresiv) – Tare

Are doar vreo 300 de view-uri momentan, deci e proaspătă 🙂 Sunt curios dacă o să prindă, la prima audiție nu m-a impresionat.

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